Summer Family Holiday Activities a success

Summer Family Holiday Activities a success

The Cathedral Education Room has been a hub of creativity over the past month, with families immersing themselves in our August Art Adventures!

August 2024

Inspired by some of the wonderful WAC installations, children have been painting, drawing, colouring, cutting, sticking, modelling, carving, sewing and weaving their way through the summer holidays.

Two of our family holiday activities included ‘meet the artist’ sessions.  We were delighted to have Hamish Young, the artist behind ‘Nest’, with us to talk about his work.  Groups of children enjoyed making a nest with him — and playing ‘nest kerplunk’!  And ‘Seeds of 2024’ artist, Gina Baum, shared her skills and enthusiasm, inspiring children to make beautiful seeds from clay.


Upcoming Activities


Bubwith Centenary – Family Holiday Activities

Tuesday 29 to Thursday 31 October, 10.00-16.30
If you missed out over the summer, don’t worry.  We’re back this October half term with family holiday activities to celebrate our wonderful library and the 600th anniversary of Bishop Bubwith who instructed it to be built. You can follow a trail and find out about medieval doodles, visit the library, try illuminated lettering and make a mini chained library book to take home.
There’s no need to book – simply drop in when the sessions are one.

This event is FREE with adult entry to the Cathedral.  (There is no charge for children. Standard adult admission tickets include re-entry for 12 months from date of purchase, so you can enjoy access to a number of seasonal events, including exhibitions and Family Holiday Activities beyond your initial visit.)

Wells Eco Week: The Mossy Carpet  – Discover and Make!

Saturday 12 October, 10.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00, Wells Cathedral Education Room
Families are also warmly welcomed to take part in activities at the Cathedral during WEN’s (Wells Environmental Network) Eco Week from 11-20 October 2024.
Did you know that mosses are climate superheroes? Join us to find out more about this tiny but hugely important plant as we take part in Art and Energy’s Mossy Carpet Project
Watch a short film, look at mosses under the lens and get creative with wool, contributing to a massive moss inspired artwork which celebrates the actions we are taking for our planet.
Open to adults and children of all ages and abilities (children must be accompanied by a responsible adult).
This event is FREE with adult entry to the Cathedral.  (There is no entry charge for children.)
Only assistance dogs are allowed at this activity.

With thanks to Art and Energy’s Mossy Carpet project.

Explore – watch short films about the Mossy Carpet project and about the superhero qualities of moss. Search for moss in the Cathedral grounds and look at our collected examples up close to appreciate their beauty and complexity.

Create – get creative and make a woolly tuft of moss inspired by what you’ve seen. You can knit it, crochet it, stitch it or make a pompom. All the tufts will be added to Art and Energy’s giant mossy carpet which will be displayed to coincide with COP30 next year.

Discover – just as tiny mosses play a huge role in combatting the impacts of the climate emergency, so our own small, positive actions add up to help make a better world.  What little steps can we all make to help?  Phone your message in to the project and it will be incorporated into the final artwork.

More Information

Head over to our Family Visits page to see more details about upcoming events nearer the time, or get in touch with our Learning team by email to or by calling 01749 673809.

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