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Sunday 18th August

10:30 - 11:45

The Northern Concordia Singers have their roots in Liverpool where the director, Tom Clough, was a Choral Scholar at the Anglican Cathedral and formed a choir with singing friends. Tom has since moved to Cardiff to pursue opera studies at the Royal Welsh College. Whilst half the choir are still Merseyside based, various musicians are now based elsewhere and come together annually to celebrate friendships, old and new. The choir now has singers based in York (at the Minster), Cambridge, Cork, and Cardiff. As usual we are delighted to be joined by our two organists: Matthew Breen, the Assistant Director of Music at St Finbarre's Cathedral, Cork, and John Zhang, the Senior Organ Scholar of St Catherine's College, Cambridge.

This service is held in the Nave of Wells Cathedral. Please refer to the Cathedral's Services and Music List for further information.

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