Wells Cathedral aims to be a safe, welcoming space for all, although recognises this may not always be the case. The Dean and Chapter therefore wishes to place the experience of victims and survivors at the heart of safeguarding within the Cathedral and commits to responding well to anyone making allegations of abuse, whether past or present.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Team have a Service Level Agreement with FearFree, a charity experienced in supporting victims of abuse, who provide advocacy and support independent of the Church of England. Following an allegation of abuse perpetrated by a Cathedral officer, the DST will arrange for a Support Person from FearFree to be offered to all adult victims/survivors. The DST can alternatively arrange for a Support Person from within the Church of England, where requested.
Wells Cathedral would like to engage with victims and survivors to improve the way we respond and support those affected by abuse. If you are a victim or survivor and would like to contribute to these discussions, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team on safe.guarding@bathwells.anglican.org.