Services and Music List

Services and Music List

We recommend that if you are planning a visit to the Cathedral, you check the monthly List of Services and Music for more detailed information for that month or visit the What’s On page to find out about specific services, events and concerts.

To download a PDF version of the December Services & Music List, click the button below.


General Service Times

Wells Cathedral offers the following regular programme of services. This timetable may occasionally vary, and any changes can be found in the services and music list above.


8.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Lady Chapel
10.30 a.m. Cathedral Eucharist, Nave
3.00 p.m. Choral Evensong, Quire


Weekday Services

8.00 a.m. Morning Eucharist, Lady Chapel (Morning Prayer on Saturdays)
10.00 a.m. (Wednesday) Holy Communion, Nave
5.15 p.m. (Monday to Saturday) Choral Evensong, Quire


Closures and Restrictions

Occasionally the Cathedral, or parts of it, may also need to close or only offer restricted access for a service, special event, filming or general maintenance. Please visit our Closures and Restrictions page for up-to-date information.

Please note that, from time to time, service times and locations may need to change.


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