There are many opportunities to volunteer at Wells Cathedral. It is a great way to meet people, feel involved with the community, and work in one of the most beautiful and special places in the country.
There are many opportunities to volunteer at Wells Cathedral. It is a great way to meet people, feel involved with the community, and work in one of the most beautiful and special places in the country.
The Cathedral has approximately 370 volunteers taking part in a wide range of activities. Initial training is given for all roles with help, advice, and support available from other volunteers and members of Cathedral staff.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact the Wells Cathedral Volunteer Department by email to or by phoning 01749 832217.
Volunteer Enrolment Form
Confidential Declaration Form
Volunteer Privacy Notice
A Welcomer’s role is to provide a warm, friendly and sensitive welcome to people entering the Cathedral via the Entry Cloister.
In the Nave, the Welcomer will walk the Nave and Cloister areas being available to answer visitors’ queries or directional questions.
Shop volunteers are crucial to the smooth running of the Cathedral Shop. Their duties include serving customers, opening and closing, and helping shop staff to organise the stock. All profits from the shop go to supporting the work of the Cathedral.
Stewards help at services and concerts by giving a warm welcome, directing people to seats and, if needed, tidying and straightening the Cathedral afterwards. In the event of an emergency, directing the audience/congregation to safety in a calm and efficient manner is essential.
Library Assistants will talk to visitors and provide information about the history and contents of the library. Library Assistants are required to supervise the use of the Reading Room as a reference and study library. They report to the Librarian and their responsibilities include the guidance of readers and the supervision of scholars using archives and rare books. Training is required and will be provided by the Librarian.
Guides greatly enhance the visitor experience by imparting something of the history, current working life and meaning of the Cathedral through guided tours and duty guiding. There is a special training programme for Guides.
This beautiful Cathedral is complemented with flower arrangements in the Chapels and the Nave for much of the year. Flower Arrangers are needed for both large and small displays on a regular basis and for special occasions.
As part of the hospitality of the Cathedral, coffee is served in the North Transept after the 10.30 a.m. Eucharist every Sunday. Tables and urns are set up and taken down by the Virgers and the coffee helper team prepares and serves coffee, squash, and biscuits.
Meeting once a month, the embroiderers look after the textiles in the Cathedral. Tasks range from maintaining the beautiful needlework in the Quire to sewing buttons on chorister robes.
The Chamber Choir sings certain regular services in the Cathedral and deputies for the Cathedral Choir when it is on holiday or singing elsewhere. Membership is by audition, and the choir rehearses on Thursday evenings. To find out more, click here.
The bells at Wells Cathedral are the heaviest ring of ten bells in the world. Bell-Ringers of all ages are welcome to join the band. New Bell-Ringers are also needed, and anyone wishing to learn to ring the bells will be given training at St Cuthbert’s Church, Wells. Find out more on the Wells Bells website.
Day Chaplains are available for spiritual and pastoral care for visitors to the Cathedral. They conduct short prayers at the clock on the hour.