Musical Outreach

Musical Outreach

Be a Chorister for a Day

Each autumn, Wells Cathedral holds a fabulous free event called Be a Chorister for a Day, where children can experience what it is like to be a Cathedral Chorister. The event is open to all children aged between 6 and 9, there are fun singing workshops, and the day ends with them taking part in the Evensong service alongside the Cathedral Choir.

The experience includes singing games, learning about the Cathedral, and finding out what a Chorister really does. At the end of the afternoon the children sing Evensong with the Cathedral Choir. Parents can take a tour of the School if they wish, before enjoying the Evensong service. Find out more about Choristerships here.

On Saturday 15 March 2025 an additional Be a Boy Chorister event will be held, for boys aged six to nine.

If you are interested and would like to register for a place, please contact the Cathedral Music Office via

Primary Music Outreach Programme

Wells Cathedral’s Primary Music Outreach Programme offers school children in the Diocese of Bath & Wells a chance to develop their singing and performance skills. The Programme consists of between four and six weekly singing workshops in school over the course of a term, culminating in a Celebration Concert at the Cathedral with other participating schools, to which parents and carers are very welcome.

The workshops focus on the basics of good singing technique, including posture and breathing for singing, introduce simple music concepts and terminology, and cover a range of songs in preparation for the Celebration Concert. They can also factor in particular aspects of the National Curriculum requirements for music in Primary schools.

The Programme comes at no cost to participating Schools, aside from any transport costs for the Concert Day.

For more information about the Programme, and to find out how it could work for your school, please contact Alex Jenkins at

Wells Cathedral Youth Choir

The Cathedral Youth Choir began in January 2024 and is a free, fun group open to all aged 11–18 years with a passion for choral music.

The Youth Choir meets on Wednesdays in term time, 6.15pm–7.30pm, in the Cathedral. Click on the link below to register you child today, and for more information, please email

Register Now

Song Squad

Would you like to sing, have fun and make new friends?

Wells Cathedral Song Squad is our Junior Choir open to all children aged 4 – 11 (inclusive), who attend any school. It’s great fun and there’s no audition. The only requirements are an eagerness to learn and a love of singing! Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays during term time from 4.45pm – 5.15pm (for the 4–6 year-olds) and 5.15pm – 6.15pm (for the 7–11 year olds), in the Education Room at Wells Cathedral.

For those aged 4-6 there is Wells Cathedral Song Squad Minis. This training choir for the well-established Song Squad gives younger children the opportunity to sing to a high standard and perform concerts both on their own and alongside Song Squad. For children aged 7-11 we have Wells Cathedral Song Squad.

Both choirs are great fun, open to all who attend any school, and there is no need to audition – children just need to enjoy singing!

Membership fees are payable three times per year. For Song Squad Minis it’s £23 per long school term, and for Song Squad it’s £40 per long school term. There is a sibling discount of £7 for the second and any further full-paying Song Squad members (not minis). Children who are on Pupil Premium are not asked to pay.

For more information on either choir, please send an e-mail to

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