Environment and Sustainability

Environment and Sustainability

Wells Cathedral is committed to environmental stewardship, and this page details our efforts towards becoming carbon neutral, our partnerships with local environmental groups, and practical steps individuals can take to contribute to a greener future for all.

Becoming an Eco Church: Our Commitment to a Greener Future

As a Cathedral, we are committed to becoming carbon neutral and environmentally friendly.

The Earth is not ours to plunder or despoil, and we have a duty to care for all the plants and animals that live alongside us. Through our careless use of fossil fuels, our agricultural methods, and our consumerism, the Earth’s climate is changing. This is already causing the poorest nations to suffer and many species to be under threat of extinction. If we do not change, the Earth’s temperature will rise to a level which will cause mass extinctions, and food and water shortages.

Care for creation is central to Christian mission, therefore each one of us has to do whatever is in our power to reduce our carbon footprint and promote the health of the planet.

Over the past year, we have looked at all areas of Cathedral life including our energy usage, the products we use, and how the outside areas could be used to promote biodiversity. There is a great deal still to do—we have now been awarded a Silver Eco Church Award from A Rocha but our aim has to be Gold! We have been engaging with local environmental groups such as the Somerset Wildlife Trust and encouraging the congregation and visitors to the Cathedral to become aware how they can make a difference.


Wells Environmental Network

We have been working with The Wells Environment Network, and from 11 to 20 October we are pleased to be taking part in Eco Week+. This 10 day programme of events and activities is  aimed at elevating awareness, promoting sustainable practices and celebrating community efforts towards environmental preservation. For details of the full events programme visit www.wenvironment.org.uk/events

Getting Involved

As Christians we believe that we have been given the responsibility of caring for this earth, of protecting the poor and vulnerable and or working for justice. Faced with a problem as huge as climate change it is tempting to believe that there is nothing we can do, but our faith teaches us to have a dynamic active hope.  If each of us makes some simple changes it will make a difference.

So here are a few ways in which we can all help with our ’60 steps towards being green’. It is not an exhaustive list, and anyone who wishes to become more involved can join organisations or lobby businesses and government, but we hope that you will find these simple suggestions a useful place to start. Please click on the photo to read the 60 steps.

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