Worship at Wells

Worship at Wells

The Cathedral is pleased to offer a regular pattern of public services which all are most welcome to attend.

Full details are published in the monthly Services and Music List.

Regular Services

Weekdays and Saturdays

Choral Evensong is a sung service of Evening Prayer, with words and music appropriate for the end of the day. It is sung daily by the Cathedral Choir during term time (and usually by visiting choirs out of term time), with a congregational hymn on feast days. The Cathedral Choir sings music from the earliest plainsong to the most recent contemporary compositions.

Occasionally, if the Choir is away, Evensong is replaced by Said Evening Prayer in the Lady Chapel.

Morning Liturgy takes place every morning in the Lady Chapel and is a combination of Morning Prayer and the Eucharist. It is a quiet, contemplative gathering and functions as the Chapter’s (governing body’s) corporate act of worship. There is a sense in which it ‘hallows’ the Cathedral for whatever will happen in it that day.

8.00 a.m. Morning Liturgy (Morning Prayer on Saturdays)
10.00 a.m. (Wednesdays) Holy Communion
5.15 p.m. Choral Evensong


The Cathedral Eucharist or ‘thanksgiving’ is the principal act of worship at the Cathedral and is an enactment of the Last Supper described in the Gospels. In it, the Church rejoices in the love of God for the world, and for the presence of Jesus Christ, risen, ascended and glorified in the Church. The service contains readings from scripture, including the Gospels, prayers for the world and the great thanksgiving over the bread and wine – a meal in which all present are invited to share. In term time, there are appropriate activities for young accompanied children.

The celebration of Holy Communion  on Sundays is according the Book of Common Prayer (1662) and uses traditional language. It is reflective and takes place in the Quire of the cathedral. The Cathedral Eucharist at 10.30 a.m., which is held in the Nave of the Cathedral, uses contemporary language and is sung by the Cathedral Choir during term time and another choir outside term. The service is followed by coffee and community time.

As on weekdays, Choral Evensong is sung at by the Cathedral Choir during term time (and usually by visiting choirs out of term time) but at the earlier time of 3.00 p.m. In addition to the elements mentioned above, on Sundays there is  a short sermon or address at the end of the service, with congregational hymns at the beginning and end.

8.30 a.m. Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30 a.m. Cathedral Eucharist*
3.00 p.m. Choral Evensong*

Taste and See

Meditative Prayer Group

The Cathedral Meditation Group ‘Taste and See’ is an opportunity to share in thirty minutes of silent prayer which follows a brief introduction. Such prayer is a chance to deepen our personal relationship with God and to contribute to the prayer-life of the Cathedral.

Taste and See meets on the second Monday of every month for silent prayer between 6.00 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. in the Lady Chapel. For further information, please contact The Reverend Mary Lewis, Priest Vicar, on mcmlewis@aol.com.


Sunday morning liturgy group for children

Wellsprings takes places during the Cathedral Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. on Sundays. it is friendly and relaxed, suiting children between the ages of 0 and 11.

Before the Cathedral Eucharist in the Nave, those with babies and toddlers will be directed to a special space prepared for them at the Nave crossing. Wellsprings processes out from here to the Education Room during the Gloria. During the meeting we follow the pattern of the Eucharist in a friendly, child-accessible way — singing songs, listening to a story and prayers, and sharing bread and squash.

If you are interested in joining us this Sunday, please send an email to wellsprings.cathedral@gmail.com.

Wellsprings - for younger members of the Cathedral community

Listen to our Music