This document should be consulted when responding to any safeguarding concern. All staff, clergy and volunteers should be familiar with this document.
This document outlines the safeguarding principles that Wells Cathedral commits to.
Chapter have adopted the House of Bishops’ National Safeguarding Policies and Practice. Please refer to this page for practice guidance, past cases review, responding well, safer recruitment, training and regulations.
Safeguarding policy statement for children, young people, and adults.
This e-manual constitutes the House of Bishops Safeguarding guidance.
Chapter have adopted the Code of Safer Working Practice, produced by the Church of England. All staff, clergy and volunteers should be familiar with this document.
To make a complaint about the handling of a safeguarding concern by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, please write to Diocesan Secretary, at: Diocese of Bath and Wells, Flourish House, Wells BA5 1FD. For all other complaints, please use the Wells Cathedral Complaints Policy.
This policy aims to help office holders, employees, workers, and volunteers in the cathedral to raise any serious concerns they may have about colleagues or anything taking place in the cathedral with confidence and without having to worry about being victimised, discriminated against, or disadvantaged in any way as a result.
A joint safeguarding agreement to ensure continuity and seamless care for children and young people of Wells Cathedral Choir.
For DBS and training resources, or information on the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, please refer to the Diocesan Safeguarding website.