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"Most High, Glorious God"
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Texts of Talks and Sermons
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Sunday 17th June - Sermon given by the Dean of Wells during his service of Installation
Sunday 17 March - Inspired by the Creativity of God, The Revd Canon Dr Victoria Johnson, Precentor, York Minster
Sunday 3 March - Inspired by the Justice of God, The Rt Revd Dr Rosemarie Mallett, Bishop of Croydon
Sunday 18 February - Inspired by the Generosity of God, The Rt Revd Christopher Hill, Former Bishop of Guildford
Sunday 22 January Eucharist Sermon given by The Revd Jonathan Pye, Chair of Churches Together in Somerset and Chair of Bristol Methodist District
Sunday 26 February Readings and Prayers given by The Revd Prebendary Mary Bide, Sub Dean of Wells, at the Vigil for Ukraine. Accompanied by the Duruflé Requiem
Commemorating Bishop Bekynton (c.1390-1465) by Lord (William) Waldegrave, Provost of Eton College, at Evensong on Sunday 9 January 2022
Last Sunday in Wells by the Reverend Canon Dr Rob James, Chancellor of Wells Cathedral at Cathedral Eucharist on Sunday 19 June 2022
'Teacher - let me see again...' by the Revd Canon Dr Mike Kirby, Canon Scientist of Liverpool Cathedral, on Sunday 24 October 2021
‘Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-89‘ by David Thomas, Canon Theologian of Wells Cathedral, 20 October 2019
‘Christian Character and the Aftermath of harm‘ by Dr Stephen Cherry, given at the Dedication Festival, 9 October 2019
A sermon given by Gavin Plumley, writer and broadcaster, at Wells Cathedral Evensong on Saturday 7 September 2019
A sermon given by Revd Paula Hollingsworth at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 8 August 2019: Colossians 3: 1 – 11; Luke 12: 13 – 21
The Bekynton Lecture “CANON LAW IN THE SERVICE OF THE CHURCH” by Professor Mark Hill QC at Wells Cathedral, Sunday 14 July 2019
A talk given by Professor Norman Doe at Wells Cathedral, Sunday 14 July 2019, “Hero of Faith – Richard Hooker”
“The mystery of God” a sermon given by Professor David Thomas, Canon Theologian, Wells Cathedral on Sunday 23 June 2019
"What God has made clean, you must not call profane”, a sermon given by Mary Bide at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 19 May 2019
"Reformation Spiritualties” a sermon given by Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Bristol, at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 7 April 2019
“The Spiritual Vision of Julian of Norwich” a sermon given by Canon Melvyn Matthews on Sunday 31 March 2019
“The Spiritual Vision of Saint Augustine” a sermon given by Professor Gillian Clark at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 24 March 2019
“The Spirituality of Jesus” a sermon given by the Bishop of Bath and Wells at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 10th March 2019
Sermon given by Professor David Thomas, Canon Theologian, Wells Cathedral on 24th February 2019
Sermon given by the Very Revd Dr Nicholas Frayling at the Wells Cathedral Dedication Festival Eucharist on Wednesday 10th October 2018
‘God as God is‘ a sermon given by Professor David Thomas, Canon Theologian, Wells Cathedral on Sunday 3rd June 2018
A sermon given by Professor David Thomas, Canon Theologian at Wells Cathedral Eucharist on Sunday 15 April 2018, Third Sunday of Easter
‘Religious Freedom‘ an Address given by Lady Hale, President of The Supreme Court, at the Wells Cathedral Legal Service on Sunday 18th March 2018.
“Islam” an Address given by Professor David Thomas, Canon Theologian as part of the Wells Lent Address series “1918-2018: The conflict that shaped a century”
“Powers, Principalities and Prayers: Two Talks for Lent at Wells” by The Very Revd Canon Professor Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford
A talk by Charles Cornish-Dale of Lincoln College, Oxford on Tuesday 31 October 2017: ‘Reformation Day 500th Anniversary Talk‘
A sermon preached by The Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds at Wells Cathedral on 9 July 2017 4th Sunday after Trinity ‘Come to me and I shall give you rest’
Lent Stories Day 25: Creator of the universe, by Canon Dr Alan Kerbey, Lay Chapter of Wells Cathedral
Lent Reformation 500 Address, Sunday 19 March 2017, by Dr Elizabeth Thomson, Derby Cathedral “Religion in the Vernacular“
Lent Reformation 500 Address, Sunday 12 March 2017, by Prof David Thomas, Birmingham University “The Reformers and other faiths“
Lent Reformation 500 Address and seminar, Sunday 5 March 2017, by Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Bristol “Luther’s Achievement” “England before the Reformation“
“England before the Reformation“
Eucharist, Sunday 29th January 2107 9.45am, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar BE HAPPY (2)
A sermon preached by The Right Reverend Michael Perham at Wells Cathedral on The First Sunday of Lent
Maundy Thursday 24th March 2016. A Midday Meditation given by Revd. Canon Dr Graham Dodds relating to a sculpture entitled ‘A Second Home’ by Simon Burns-Cox located in St Katherine’s Chapel in Wells Cathedral
Good Friday 25th March 2106 First Address: ‘The way of unknowing’ 12.00 noon, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
Good Friday 25th March 2106 Second Address : ‘Pass no judgement’12.15pm, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
Good Friday 25th March 2106 Third Address : ‘Your cell will teach you everything’ 12.30pm, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
Good Friday 25th March 2106 Fourth Address : ‘The gateway of humility’12.45pm, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
Good Friday 25th March 2106 Fifth Address : ‘Pray without ceasing’ 1.00pm, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
Good Friday 25th March 2106 Sixth Address : ‘The way of silence’ 1.15pm, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
Good Friday 25th March 2106 Seventh Address : ‘Forgive us our sins’ 1.30pm, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
Good Friday 25th March 2106 Eight Address : ‘Seeing our neighbour’ 1.45pm, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
Good Friday 25th March 2106 Ninth Address : ‘Love was his meaning’, by the Revd John E Sclater, Priest Vicar
A sermon preached by Revd David Wilcox, Priest Vicar, at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 3rd April, ‘Acts 5.27-32′
A sermon preached for the first Evensong of St Mark at Wells Cathedral:‘Isaiah 52:7-10’
A sermon preached by The Revd Preb Paula Hollingsworth at Cathedral Evensong on Sunday June 5 2016 : Genesis 8:15 – 9:17; Mark 4:1 – 20
A sermon preached by The Archdeacon of Taunton, The Venerable John Reed at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 12 June: Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday
A sermon preached by The Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds at Wells Cathedral on 19 June 2016 ”Jesus and the Gadarene Swine’
A sermon preached by The Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds at Wells Cathedral on July 17th 2016 “Transformation”
A sermon preached by The Very Revd Dr John Davies at Wells Cathedral on Tuesday 23 August 2016
A sermon preached by Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds on Sunday 28 August 2016 “A Place round the Table” – Luke 14: 1, 7-14
A sermon preached on 11th January 2015 by Revd Canon Dr Graham Dodds : ”The Baptism of Christ’’
A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells on January 11th 2015
A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells at Evensong attended by Christians Together in Wells and Area in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (25thJanuary 2015)
A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells at a special service of thanks for the work of Lady Gass, Lord-Lieutenant of Somerset (Sunday 8th February 2015)
A sermon preached by the Rev’d Canon Dr Graham Dodds in Wells Cathedral at Evensong on February 15th 2015 : ‘Listening in the silence’
A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells on Sunday 22nd March 2015 : ‘The banality of evil’
During Holy Week 2015 – ”Modern witnesses to faith’: Christian de Chergé – a reflection for Holy Week (sermon by the Dean of Wells)
During Holy Week 2015 Meditation Monday 30th March 2015 ‘Janani Luwum’ (Rev’d Paula Hollingsworth)
During Holy Week 2015 –‘Dietrich Bonhoeffer – a reflection for Holy Week’ (David Wilcox, Priest Vicar. April 1st 2015)
During Holy Week 2015 – Reflections on Modern Witnesses to the Christian Faith: Oscar Romero (1917-1980) (Rev’d Canon Dr Graham Dodds)
A sermon preached by the Rev’d Canon Dr Graham Dodds on July 26 2015
A sermon preached by Joel Edwards, Research Fellow, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) at Wells Cathedral on Sunday 27 September 2015 ”Collaboration and the mission of God’
A poem used by the Rev’d Prebendary Stephen Lynas, Bishop’s Senior Chaplain and Adviser, in a sermon at Wells Cathedral on 13 December 2015 (Credit to @s1eve)
A Sermon preached by the Dean of Wells in Wells Cathedral at the Eucharist on Easter Day 2014
A Sermon preached by the Rev’d Canon Dr Graham Dodds in Wells Cathedral on May 11th 2014: ‘Life in all its fullness’
‘I will not leave you orphaned’. A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells in Wells Cathedral at the Eucharist on Sunday 25th May
Sermon for Pentecost Sunday, The Bishop’s Palace, Wells by the Rt Revd Peter Hancock
A sermon preached by the Rev’d Canon Dr Graham Dodds in Wells Cathedral on Trinity Sunday, June 15th 2014: ‘The Mission of God within the Trinity’
A sermon preached by the Chancellor of Wells Cathedral at the Eucharist on 22 June 2014 (First Sunday after Trinity)
A sermon preached by the Rev’d Canon Dr Graham Dodds in Wells Cathedral at Evensong on July 20th 2014: ‘A Changing Church – Institution to Movement’
‘Debt and the Freedom of God’. A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells in Wells Cathedral during the Cathedral Eucharist on Sunday July 20th
‘Pray, Act, Give’. A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells at the Cathedral Eucharist on Sunday 31st August 2014.
A sermon preached by the Rev’d Canon Dr Graham Dodds in Wells Cathedral on Sunday 2st September 2014 (St Matthew’s Day): ‘We have a Gospel to Proclaim’
A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells in Wells Cathedral on October 5th2014 (Trinity 16) ‘Looking backwards/ Looking forwards’
A sermon preached by the Rev’d Canon Dr Graham Dodds in Wells Cathedral on October 12th 2014 : ‘Finding Rest’
A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells at the Cathedral Eucharist on the Second Sunday before Advent : ‘Whose Talents Are They?’
A sermon preached by The Rev’d Canon Nicholas Jepson-Biddle, Precentor of Wells Cathedral on Saturday 15 November 2014 : ‘A Homily for the Vicars Choral of Wells Cathedral’
A sermon preached by The Rev’d Canon Nicholas Jepson-Biddle, Precentor of Wells Cathedral on Advent Sunday 2014
A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells on Christmas Day 2014
A sermon preached by the Dean of Wells on Holy Innocents Day 2014 (28th December)
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