Remembering Wells Cathedral in your Will

Remembering Wells Cathedral in your Will

We take seriously our long-term commitment to ensuring that Wells Cathedral

remains open and accessible to all.

By remembering the Cathedral in your Will you can help to safeguard it and make a lasting contribution to its future. When the time is right for you to leave a gift in your Will, please remember Wells Cathedral and consider making a gift that will endure.

Legacy Leaflet

You can download a copy of our legacy leaflet with more information here.

Free Will Making Guide

We have produced a Will Making Guide with helpful information for those thinking about their legacy options. If you would like a free copy of the guide you can download it here.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss any elements of Will writing or leaving a gift to Wells Cathedral please contact us on 01749 832214 or email

You can also request a copy of our leaflets be sent to you by post. All enquiries will be handled in a sensitive and confidential manner.

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