SCIE Safeguarding Audit

SCIE Safeguarding Audit

February 2022

Social Care Institute for Excellence Safeguarding Audit logo

In February 2022, The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) visited Wells Cathedral to undertake an independent audit of Cathedral safeguarding arrangements, as commissioned by the Church of England.

That April, the Chapter of Wells Cathedral requested the Acting Bishop of Bath and Wells at the time, the Rt Reverend Ruth Worsley, to help address the questions raised by the SCIE audit, and a Special Visitation was held in September 2022, with written determinations given by the new Diocesan Bishop, the Rt Revd Michael Beasley in July 2023.

SCIE audit report, May 2022 (.pdf)

SCIE Audit Action Plan, 4th issue, April 2023 (.pdf)

Special Visitation determinations and directions, July 2023 (.pdf)

Special Visitation letter of conclusion, August 2024 (.pdf)

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