Fond Farewells and Warm Welcomes

Fond Farewells and Warm Welcomes

May–June 2024

2024 has been dubbed ‘the year of transition’ and here are some of the important dates for your diary to bring life to that saying, and to welcome new arrivals and say thank you to others as they move on.

Fond Farewells

This week the Cathedral bade farewell to its Chief Operating Officer and Chapter Clerk of six years, Jackie Croft. A gathering took place to say farewell to Jackie Croft as Chief Operating Officer and Chapter Clerk after Evensong on Monday 29 April 2024, and again the following morning at the Cathedral Offices. Chapter is deeply grateful to Jackie for her very substantial contribution to Wells Cathedral over the past six years, for the significant depth of knowledge and considerable experience she has brought to her role, and the way she has given of her best and worked extremely hard for the Cathedral at all times. We wish her well as she returns home to be closer to family.

Jackie Croft, Administrator and Chapter Clerk

Anne Gell’s last service as Acting Dean will be on Sunday 19 May at 10.30 a.m. before she goes on holiday in early June, and Mary Bide’s last service as Acting Precentor and Subdean will be on Sunday 9 June at 10.30 a.m. Both Anne and Mary will preside and preach at their service and there will be a reception to follow each service. Anne is taking a sabbatical after the Dean’s installation, and she will be returning to her position as Archdeacon of Wells, residentiary Canon, and non-executive member of Chapter in September 2024. Mary will retire and therefore will not be a member of Chapter and will also not return to her post as Priest Vicar. She will be a member of the Cathedral congregation and retains her Permission to Officiate (PtO).
Please do put these dates in your diaries as all are welcome to attend.

And the Cathedral bade a fond arewell to Matthew Nicholls, who conducted his final service as interim conductor of Wells Cathedral Chamber Choir at Evensong on Sunday 21 April 2024. The service included the premier of The Lord’s Prayer, written especially for the occasion by Matthew. The Chamber Choir expressed their thanks for all his hard work, humour and encouragement over the past months as their, interim conductor—He will be much missed.

Warm Welcomes

Firstly a welcome to The Reverend Canon Toby Wright who will be installed as the new Dean of the Cathedral On Sunday 16 June at 3.00 p.m. Invitations for the service have been sent via email with a request to RSVP, but the Installation is also open to all, without invitation. We very much look forward to welcoming Toby and his family to Wells, and to the excitement his appointment will bring.

The following week on Sunday 23 June at 3.00 p.m. we also welcome the new Canon Precentor, The Reverend Timothy (Tim) Stevens. Invitations will follow in due course, and as ever all are welcome to attend this service in the Quire of the Cathedral. Please hold Tim and his family in your prayers as he brings his current ministry to a close and prepares to begin a new ministry among us here.

And to start this new Choir term we welcomed and formally admitted Carolyn Craig as our new Assistant Director of Music at Evensong on Sunday 28 April 2024. Carolyn comes to Wells from the position of Organ Scholar of Westminster Abbey. Originally from Knoxville, Tennessee, and with degrees from Indiana and Yale Universities, Carolyn is a former organ scholar at both Truro Cathedral and Westminster Cathedral and maintains a busy schedule of international tours, broadcasts, and teaching. She has also recently been appointed as a Junior Fellow of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire!As Assistant Director of Music, Carolyn will be the principal organist for Cathedral services, will play a key part in the training of the Choristers, and will direct Wells Cathedral Chamber Choir.

Carolyn Craig, Assistant Director of Music Elect

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