Unsafe Cedar tree to be removed and replaced following arboricultural inspection

Unsafe Cedar tree to be removed and replaced following arboricultural inspection

Following an arboricultural inspection of all the trees on the Cathedral estate a more in depth investigation of the Cedar of Lebanon tree, located on the corner of the Liberty in Wells, was recommended which took place in April of this year.  

This second survey unfortunately revealed concerning decay which, given the place of the decay and the size of the tree, means that the tree is unsafe and the Cathedral has sadly been advised to apply for a removal order. 

Toby Wright, Dean of Wells said “The decision to fell and replace such a magnificent tree is an emotive decision for the team at the Cathedral to have to make.  However, we have sadly been advised by specialists that the tree cannot be safely retained under the current circumstances.

When the tree is removed the wood will be repurposed and the tree replaced so that another can grow in its place.  We would also like to invite our community to send us any stories or memories they have of the tree with us which we will collate and share.”

Stories or memories of the tree can be sent to the Cathedral via email to marketing@wellscathedral.org.uk

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